About Sunday Worship


Weekly worship is an opportunity for us to come together and acknowledge our dependence on one another as we seek the Spirit and walk in Christ’s Way. We trust that, as we gather, God is present among us — healing, freeing, forgiving, calling, and reconciling — even in ways that remain mysterious to us. In worship, we hear the scriptures read and proclaimed, and we allow our lives to be touched anew by God’s living Word. Perhaps most importantly, through worship we deepen our capacity to be present, and thus to treat all things with greater reverence, curiosity, and compassion.

When and Where

We gather in the Sanctuary (look for the red doors!) at 200 N. 15th Ave in Pocatello on Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Once or twice a year we worship offsite at an outdoor location, and we hold certain evening services on liturgical holy days like Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, etc. For these, check our events page.


Kids of every age and ability are welcome to our worship with us. For those ages 0-3 we have a church nursery that opens at 8:45am every Sunday — though if you’d rather keep them in worship with you, that’s wonderful.

Can I participate?

Of course! It takes a village. On Sunday mornings, you can get involved in one or more of the following ways:

  • Welcome folks as they arrive for service and pass out bulletins

  • Read scripture

  • Circulate the offering plates

  • Serve Communion

  • Adorn the communion table, altar, and worship space in liturgically and/or thematically appropriate ways

  • Give a testimony, preach a sermon, or offer a prayer

  • Sing in our choir, the Rejoice Singers

  • Play an instrument or offer another artistic gift

  • and more!