Flash Sale!
Rummage Sale, Silent Auction, Bake Sale, and Raffle — all to support the church’s new roof, all on August 17th, all on site at 200 N. 15th Ave. Don’t miss it!
"The Wesleyan Way" Preaching Series
Join us in worship to grow closer to God and one another by learning about some of the most enduring characteristics of Wesleyan spirituality. We United Methodists are one of many expressions of this great inheritance, and we have the opportunity to bring the best of who we are into a new future for the purpose of serving the world.
Annual Outdoor Worship Service
Pocatello UMC worships outside at Upper Ross Park on July 21, 9:45am. Join us!
Pentecost & Reconciling Anniversary Potluck
Join us to celebrate our first anniversary as a Reconciling Congregation!
Giving Beyond the Checkbook
Join Julia Frisbie, the Executive Director of the Faith Foundation Northwest, as she offers education on tax-wise ways to support the church (and our capital campaign!) financially. Did you know that giving by check or card can be the MOST expensive ways to give? Come learn more about how to invest in the church’s future while saving money on taxes.
We will gather in the Chapel at 200 N. 15th Avenue at 6:00pm on Monday, April 29.
This event is sponsored by the First UMC Capital Campaign Team and is a part of our ROOF FOR ALL fundraising effort.
Roof for All Capital Campaign
Help us raise $360,000 for a new roof between April 21st and July 7th!
Responding to Capital Punishment in Idaho
Join us as we respond to the State of Idaho’s planned execution of Thomas Creech on Wednesday, Feb. 28.
On Saturday, Feb. 24, 7:00pm in the Chapel, we will gather with organizers and educators from Death Penalty Action to learn more about capital punishment and efforts to resist and abolish it.
On Tuesday, Feb. 27, 7:00 in the Sanctuary, we will gather in a Service of Lament to remember Christ’s union through death with those put to death by the State, as well as the dignity and redemption his resurrection offers to every life.
On Wednesday, Feb. 28, we will gather at the probable time of execution, 7:45 to 8:15am, for a brief prayer vigil. This service will be in the Chapel.
Lent and Holy Week 2024
Join us for the following Lenten & Holy Week services at First UMC:
Ash Wednesday - Feb. 14 - 7:00pm - Chapel
Lenten Worship- Feb. 18, 25 & Mar. 3, 10, 17 - 10:00am - Sanctuary
Palm Sunday - Mar. 24 - 10:00am - Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday - Mar. 28 - 7:00pm - Chapel
Good Friday - Mar. 29 - 7:00pm - Sanctuary
Easter Sunday - Mar. 31 - 10:00am - Sanctuary
Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Service
Join us in the Sanctuary at 200 N. 15th Ave for the Portneuf Valley Interfaith Fellowship’s annual Martin Luther King service. The service will feature music, sacred readings, prayers, and reflections from many of our community’s local faith leaders on the theme of “Loving Your Enemies,” which was the title of one of Dr. King’s oft-preached sermons. An offering will be collected and split between the local NAACP chapter and PVIF. The Joy Morrison Award for community partnership, peace, and advocacy will be awarded to a local leader. A canvas painting by Sixes Creative, LLC will serve as the altar’s centerpiece. All are welcome into this time of communal self-examination and recommitment to justice and peace.
Christmas Eve Worship
5:00pm and 11:00pm worship, with Holy Communion and candlelit singing of “Silent Night.”
Advent Kickoff: Worship, Potluck, Abuse Prevention Training
Beginning Sunday, December 3rd, our church celebrates the Season of Advent, a four-week period of spiritual preparation and active waiting prior to Christmas. After worship (10am), we will have an all-church potluck in the gym, and then around noon Rev. Christy Dirren from the Blackfoot United Methodist congregation will join us to lead a Safe Sanctuary Abuse Prevention training. All are always welcome to join us for worship and fellowship. If you serve in leadership at the church and haven't been trained in Safe Sanctuaries within the past 12 months, please plan to stay for Christy's presentation.
Advent 2023 Wipe Drive
Our second annual Wipe Drive! Bring packs of hypoallergenic baby wipes and/or Clorox wipes to Sunday worship or to the church office during the week.
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
On Sunday evening, November 19th, the Portneuf Valley Interfaith Fellowship (PVIF) will host its annual interfaith thanksgiving service at the LDS Church Caldwell Park building (135 S. 7th.) beginning at 6:00pm. This year's service will feature the theme Gratitude for Past, Present, and Future, with songs, sacred readings, and speeches from leaders of different faiths. A collection will benefit the Valley Mission feeding ministry, housed at the First Baptist Church on Arthur. PVIF's members include local protestants, Roman Catholics, Church of Christ members, Universalists, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Latter-Day Saints, and more.
Stewardship Sunday
During our Sunday morning worship service on November 19, we will celebrate our annual Stewardship Sunday. On this day, folks make a financial pledge to support the congregation in 2024, and those pledges help the Administrative Board to craft a new general budget for the year. We have been spiritually preparing for this service with a 5-week series on the United Methodist Church membership vows: prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. We hope you'll join us.
Meet the Bishop
At 4:00pm on Saturday, November 18, come up to St. Paul's UMC in Idaho Falls (1730 St. Clair Rd.) to meet the Greater Northwest Area's new bishop, Cedrick Bridgeforth. There will be refreshments and a time of Q&A. Contact our church office at 208-232-1353 to RSVP and, if you're interested, be included in a carpool.
Ukrainian Festival
The first Ukrainian Festival in Pocatello! Enjoy traditional dances, songs, costumes, food, Ukrainian crafts and activities.